

VIDEO LINK HERE: AFT convention video by New York's Ed Notes shows how AFT leadership (Randi Weingarten) and Chicago came to agreement on school closings resolution

A video made by New York's Norm Scott for Ed Notes has been released, showing the working agreement between New York's United Federation of Teachers and the new leadership of the Chicago Teachers Union that resulted in a very strong position on school closings being adopted by the 2010 convention of the American Federation of Teachers.

Chicago Teachers Union President Karen Lewis during the debate at the AFT convention on the resolution on school closings. The debate is now available on You Tube, thanks to Ed Notes from New York City. Substance photo by George N. Schmidt.According to Norm Scott, who covered the convention as press for Ed Notes and other New York publications:

"There is no more volatile issue than that of closing schools. It leads to disruption of students, parents and teachers who are tossed onto the scrapheap– in NYC they are known as ATRs - absentee teacher reserves as even the most experienced teachers are used as subs.

"The difference between the new Chicago Teachers Union leadership from CORE and the UFT/Unity Caucus almost came to a head at the recent AFT convention in Seattle, where the UFT initially supported a resolution that did not include much stronger language. Randi, fearing an embarrassing floor fight that might expose the fault lines in AFT/UFT policy on closing schools — they have refused to oppose them unequivocally — had Unity leaders approach the CTU and together they negotiated language the CTU would be willing to accept."

Ed Notes Editor Norm Scott (forground, right at computer) was one of the few reporters who covered the entire 2010 AFT convention. Substance photo by George N. Schmidt.The link to the video is

If you can't get it through a hot link here at Substance, try to cut and paste into your browser.

AFT Convention: UFT/CTU Deal Expose Fault Lines in School Closing Policy

Norm Scott,,


July 27, 2010 at 9:18 AM

By: Al Zucker

aft convention

I have have been inspired and given hope by the defeat of the UPC vultures in Chicago.I am very aware that they are closely linked to the Unity caucus of NYC.These scun

I have been inspired and given hope by CORE's struggle it's victory and the defeat of the UPC vultures in Chicago.

The UPC is closely linked to NYC's Unity caucus.These scum(I simply can not think of a better or more appropiate term to describe them) basically control the AFT.

In NYC the troika of Bloomberg/Klein/Randy Weingarten have wreaked havoc on public school teachers and students alike.For all intents and purposes NYC's teachers do not have a union in any tangible sense.

But now I hear disturbing news from reliable sources that Karen Lewis(her state-of-the-union address of July 1 was fantastic) and the new CTU leadership have rolled over to Randy at the AFT convention.

I hope to god it's not true .The fiasco that occured during Debbie Lynch's tenure led to the return of the UPC and a great intensification of the war on Chicago's teachers and students.

As presently stands do we need the AFT?History brings to mind the moment when John L. Lewis banged George Hutcheson in the mouth and stormed out of the AFL convention and the ensuing birth of the CIO.

Al Zucker

New Day Academy


former UFT delegate



July 27, 2010 at 9:23 AM

By: Al Zucker

aft convention

I have have been inspired and given hope by the defeat of the UPC vultures in Chicago.I am very aware that they are closely linked to the Unity caucus of NYC.These scun

I have been inspired and given hope by CORE's struggle it's victory and the defeat of the UPC vultures in Chicago.

The UPC is closely linked to NYC's Unity caucus.These scum(I simply can not think of a better or more appropiate term to describe them) basically control the AFT.

In NYC the troika of Bloomberg/Klein/Randy Weingarten have wreaked havoc on public school teachers and students alike.For all intents and purposes NYC's teachers do not have a union in any tangible sense.

But now I hear disturbing news from reliable sources that Karen Lewis(her state-of-the-union address of July 1 was fantastic) and the new CTU leadership have rolled over to Randy at the AFT convention.

I hope to god it's not true .The fiasco that occured during Debbie Lynch's tenure led to the return of the UPC and a great intensification of the war on Chicago's teachers and students.

As presently stands do we need the AFT?History brings to mind the moment when John L. Lewis banged George Hutcheson in the mouth and stormed out of the AFL convention and the ensuing birth of the CIO.

Al Zucker

New Day Academy


former UFT delegate



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