

THE NEW YORK TIMES reports on one Chicago critic the Daley administration couldn't destroy... Daley press chief tries to bad mouth a long-time critic of Daley corruption

In this morning's New York Times, there is an article about me, in which mayoral press chief Jacqueline Heard is quoted. Jacquelyn Heard, the mayor’s spokeswoman, said: “Isn't’t that an easy excuse for hiring someone who has a reputation for not working? Real convenient.”

Frank Coconate (left) and Clerk of the Circuit Court Dorothy Brown (right) at Teamster City on January 13, 2007. The two were talking during an event sponsored by SEIU at which Brown learned that SEIU would not support her insurgent candidacy for mayor, choosing instead to leave Mayor Daley alone and focus on aldermanic races in the 2007 contests. Substance photo by George N. Schmidt.That was Miss Heard's response in the New York Times Article by Dan Milhopoulos. You can read the entire article at

She was talking about Alderman Waguespacks saying that my termination was a vendetta by Mayor Daley. Someone should ask Spokesperson Heard, the same thing about (the following is a partial list):

Freddy Barbara — $millions of dollars in Chicago taxpayers' contracts, even though he worked for the Mob; OFS trial transcripts show he blew up to restaurants who were not paying Street taxes.

Laura Foxgrover — She worked at the Chicago Park District and gave a permit to owners of Park Grill to have exclusive liquor rights in the Park District's Millennium Park. This was after she slept with Park Grill front man Mike O'Malley. By the way, Park Grill still does not pay taxes.

Jeffrey Boyle — fought to keep his pension even though he served prison time for setting a string of fires in Chicago and the suburbs. Boyle argued that he did not use Chicago Fire Department equipment to set the fires and he committed the crimes on personal time. he won his pension.

The May 21, 2010 article in The New York Times.

Patrick Daley- MSS Inspection owner and Mayor's son still has not answered questions about how he got hidden ownership of a company doing $ millions of dollars of city taxpayers' money. Angelo Torres — Please! Hired Truck City Dispatcher, who nobody seems to know how he got the City Manager position, went to jail and took the fall for Daley.

John Whirity- DWM Foreman who was found guilty of being on the GHOST payroll for one year, returned to work with a raise.

James Stroden— DWM Superintendent, who was found guilty of Building his house on City Time with City equipment with City Workers . He was given 90 day paid suspension, than given 2 raises after he returned to work.

Frank Coconate during the hearing on the Daley administration's charges against him in 2007. Substance photo by George N. Schmidt.Tim Degnan — DWM Superintendent who was found guilt of helping run a Car wash on City time with City Workers. Nothing happened to him.

I can keep going , but I believe you have my point. I worked for 28 years, was two years shy of my pension. I was commended by Mayors Jane Byrne and Harold Washington for good service with Seniors and helping to fight fires during the fire strike.

The Safety Section of the DWM, which I helped start, won 11 safety awards for saving the taxpayers millions in injury lawsuits. I ran for Political Office, with endorsements from every paper for fighting the Rosemont Casino, Airport Expansion and Elimination of the Tollway. I helped Shakman and Noelle Brennan with the Hiring Scandal. I helped uncover the $75 million dollar rain blocker systems flaws. I brought attention to top heavy City departments. Again, I can go on and on. So when Jacquelyn Heard, the Mayor’s spokeswoman, talks about "reputation and convenient" — Is she looking in the mirror?

Frank Coconate picketing Broadview's city hall after the suburb laid off nearly half its police and firefighters in 2007. Substance photo by George N. Schmidt.All I have left is my Reputation as hard working guy with Guts to stand up , and the Mayor is tying to destroy that also. He should be more concerned with minority contracts and who took the $700 million dollars with NO oversight.


May 22, 2010 at 7:41 AM

By: ceci

NYT article

The NYT article was very illuminating, not because of the quote from Heard (which, by the way, was ungrammatical!), but because its tone was very sympathetic to Mr. Coconate. I think it is a reflection of the way the rest of the U.S. sees Chicago ("a town of yes-men"). If only Daley could be declared a threat to national security or something, and the feds would send the National Guard to oust him and his cronies.

December 14, 2010 at 12:50 AM

By: Dawn

Frank Coconate

I know it's not much, but you have always had my respect. I watched you and your family go through Hell at the hand of the "Powers That Be". You deserve so much better. You should not only get your pension, but your job back and back pay. I hope the next Mayor has the guts to own up!

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