MEGAN FOX JOINING THE PROTESTS AGAINST THE ATTACKS ON PUBLIC SCHOOLS? WHY NOT? -- California protests against budget cuts are getting much more interesing
Sometimes working in the middle of the night editing the next day's SubstanceNews can be tedious, even though the issues are of stupendous importance for millions of teachers and hundreds of millions of children. Then an e-mail comes in and suggests we go through a New York City Web site and blog that we've read for years to a video of Megan Fox opposing California's cuts in public education. What more is there to say? Begin at Class Size Matters and then Comment back to here. And it seems if you haven't seen "Transformers" and the "Terminator" movies, you might want to review them before using the video below in your classes and for your union meetings.
Anyone preparing a similar video for Illinois and Chicago? ?
By: kugler
the gov
"Hasta la vista, baby!"