Berliner, Ohanian deliver lectures in Philadelphia March 20... New DEEL (Democratic Ethical Educational Leadership) conference
David Berliner, Regents Professor of Education at Arizona State University, delivered the Donald L. Walters lecture at the 4th annual New DEEL (Democratic Ethical Educational Leadership) Conference at Temple University, Philadelphia, March 18, 2010.
David Berliner delivers his lecture -- "How the Lack of Caring for America’s Children Impacts the Performance of our Nation’s Schools and Weakens our Democracy" -- in Philadelphia on March 18, 2010. Substance photo by Jack Gross.In his address "How the Lack of Caring for America’s Children Impacts the Performance of our Nation’s Schools and Weakens our Democracy," Dr. Berliner showed overwhelming evidence of how far the U. S. lags behind other industrialized nations in common indices of child care.
Dr. Berliner received the Walters award honoring the link between scholarship and practice . Professor Berliner’s outstanding scholarship includes books such as The Manufactured Crisis (coauthored with B. J. Biddle) and Collateral Damage: How High-stakes Testing Corrupts American Education (co-author S. L. Nichol). He is also author of the recent report Poverty and Potential: Out-of-School Factors and School Success.
At the same conference, on March 20, Susan Ohanian delivered the Helen Oakes lecture and received the Oakes award honoring citizen service to education. The title of Ohanian's address was "Professionalism: Pedagogy, Politics, and Parsnips."