Rehak tries for Lt. Governor
The following speech was given to the Democratic Party leaders on March 21, 2010, by Jay Rehak, Whitney Young High School, asking to be slated for Lieutenant Governor.
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Thank you Speaker Madigan, Governor Quinn, the Illinois Democratic Party and members of this committee for giving me the opportunity to present my credentials for Lt. Governor of the Great State of Illinois.
My name is Jay Rehak, and I am here to tell you that among all of the fine citizen politicians you are considering to serve alongside the Governor, I am the most qualified to win in November. Born in LaGrange, raised in Addison, educated in Champaign-Urbana, I am a highly regarded Illinois educator and author who for the past 25 years has worked in both public and private schools. My experience teaching includes working in neighborhood schools with 100 percent poverty rates as well as in one of Illinois’ Premier Magnet Programs (Go Dolphins!). Additionally, I am an elected Trustee of the 9.4 Billion dollar Chicago Teacher Pension Fund. All of this experience makes me particularly well suited to help reinvigorate our State as we confront the profound issues of our time.
As you all know, the people of Illinois are anxiously looking for leaders who will help bring us out of the economic malaise we find ourselves in. Throughout Illinois, from Zion to Cairo, from Quincy to Decatur, people are incredulous that our collective fortunes have diminished so quickly. Many citizens have developed a sense of despair, and have become skeptical of career politicians, no longer trusting that such men and women are capable of solving the dual issues of rising unemployment and falling government revenue.
I am not a cynic. I believe that the relatively minor problem that the Democratic party faces today of replacing its Lt. Governor Candidate, is the major opportunity that the State needs to begin the resurrection of its fortunes.
I come today to assure you that I know full well that the future of our State is at stake. I understand that as the party in power, it is our responsibility to reignite a statewide spirit of optimism and opportunity, and to restore faith in the powerful economic engine of Illinois and its people.
But before we can resurrect our State’s fortunes, we must recognize that the restoration of that faith begins with trust. We must assure every person in Illinois that our stewardship of the state’s assets begins and ends with a deep regard and respect for everyone who resides within its borders.
By choosing a citizen politician to be a major candidate in the November election, we Democrats will begin the vital restoration of the public trust. Consequently, that I am not a career politician is all to the good. My background in public service will renew the faith of citizens of the State who might otherwise sit on the sidelines this November, convinced that the major parties of Illinois do not understand that the current economic and political climate necessitate that we change course.
I am a fresh face in a new time, a member of the electorate convinced that the people of Illinois are ready and able to honestly confront the issues before us. More than a sense of optimism, and an abiding belief in opportunity, I bring to the table a sense of renewal, and an absolute confidence that even as we live in a global economy, Illinois and its citizenry are world class.