Video and audio tapes of Curtis and Guggenheim hearings from January 28, 2010
I just uploaded pics on my face book page and youtube. The audio of each meeting is also included in the URLs below. We will have more in the next day or two.
Guggenheim Elementary School Closing Hearing took place at CPS headquarters at 125 S. Clark St. on January 28, 2010. More than 200 people, including more than 50 children, spoke out against the closing of Guggenheim for "poor performance."
Guggenheim Elementary teacher Jacqueline Jones (above at microphone) was one of more than 20 people who were allowed to speak out against the closing of the school at the annual CPS closing hearings, which began on January 28, 2010. More than 200 people, including at least 50 children, braved one of the coldest nights of the year to show up at the Board of Education chambers at 125 S. Clark St. to defend their "family" at Guggenheim Elementary School. After hearing the Board's testimony for nearly three quarters of an hour, Hearing Officer Fred Bates told the crowd that the hearing would end promptly at 10:00 p.m. no matter how many people were left. No one spoke in favor of the action proposed by CEO Ron Huberman against Guggenhiem. Fewer than half who wanted to speak were allowed to speak before the hearing was terminated and security staff cleared the Board chambers. Substance photo by George N. Schmidt.Substance was the only news organization there.
Curtis ES Closing Hearing 01/28/10
Jonathan Jackson Fights for Guggenheim 1/28/10
Curtis Elementary special education teacher Lucille Russell denounced the plan to close Curtis, pointing out to the hearing (which threatened to have her removed she became so angry) that Curtis served some of the poorest and most challenged children in one of the most impoverished areas of Chicago's South Side. Curtis teachers pointed out that Curtis served children who are currently living in three nearby Homeless shelters. Substance photo by George N. Schmidt.Curtis ES Closing Hearing 012810.WMA
Guggenheim ES Closing Hearing 01282010.MP3
By: George N. Schmidt
'A Little Knowledge...' and dangerous nonsense
We considered removing the anonymous post above from "SteveP" about Lucille Russell (formerly of Curtis Elementary, which is now Curtis Intergalactic Excellent AUSL Academy for All Things Reformed -- or something like that), but decided instead to use this as a "teachable moment" in the face of screaming ignorance. When teachers retire, especially after winning grievances that CPS has to pay and cashing in accumulated sick days, they often have "outrageous" final year "salaries," which are consequently reflected in the W-2 data provided by CPS under the Freedom of Information Act. As reporters are taught: "Quote source and context..."
That explains the "outrageous" pay from one teacher for 2010. The only thing outrageous in this exchange is the ignorance (quoting Alexander Pope, "A little knowledge is a dangerous thing, drink deep or taste not..." etc., etc.) of the person trying to stir the compost heap against a teacher in this instance.
Next up: We want the anonymous blogster here to use his real name, or shut up. Two choices only. Substance is not a blog for cowards to hide behind phony names of anonymous (if you want to do that, go over to that Scab Tribune stuff at ", where you can hide behind "anonymous" and prattle on to your heart's content).
By: Rich Gibson
Amazing Salary? Here is one
Reg Weaver, the former Prezzie of NEA who couldn't even memorize a one page press release written for him by staff, made $686,949 in his last single year in office. The context? Who knows? NEA has refused to explain that for nearly two years now, despite repeated calls. Weaver now works for Education International at a pay level they won't reveal. EI is something of a retirement center for ex education union bosses. EI won't say what Weaver is paid, but NEA shovels money into EI each year. So, what does EI do? Really? It is unclear but they work all over the world and appear to be an inheritor of the old cold war CIA sponsored unions.
By: SteveP
Outrageous salary!
I am sure it is difficult work, but the fact that in 2010 Lucille Russell's reported salary is the highest in the state of Illinois for teachers or administrators probably speaks some to her reaction and vested interested.
For 2010 it was reported as $413,000 and that doesn't include health insurance, retirement, and such.