

SUBSCRIPT: Huberman, PMS Team, to get Pampers, Depends for the holidays

...Substance is going to start a fund to get a case of Pampers and an additional case of Depends to present to Ron Huberman and his "performance" experts some time between Christmas and New Year's...

Why, dear and gentle reader, do you ask?

Because they are the leakiest crowd ever to be elevated to the heights of power in Chicago's public schools. Leaks, leaks, leaks. Someone has to stop the embarrassment and cork their leakinesses.

Former Chicago Board of Education President Michael Scott smiling during one of the speakers' presentations at the May 27, 2009 Board meeting (above) showed no signs of the despair that would have been the basis for his alleged suicide on November 15- 16, 2009, less than six months later. Scott was wary of leaks to the Chicago Sun-Times during the weeks before his death, after the Sun-Times reported on a small charge he had made to his Board of Education credit card while with Mayor Daley in Copenhagen promoting Chicago's unsuccessful bid for the 2016 Olympics. What has raised questions with some of Scott's friends is why the Sun-Times viewed the charges as some kind of scandal when Scott was in fact on City of Chicago business at the time of the Copenhagen trip. Similar questions are now being asked about who is leaking unfavorable information about African American education leaders from internal reports to the Sun-Times from inside the Huberman administration. Substance photo by George N. Schmidt. We don't know whether the last days of former Board of Education President Michael Scott would have been a bit less edgy if someone on the Huberteam had not leaked, to the Sun-Times, the "news" that Scott had charged his Copenhagen Olympic trip on his CPS credit card. Who knew? (Actually, who cared until the Sun-Times began hyperventilating about it?). That $3,000, in the context of the kinds of corruption that has been going around CPS Scott's venial sin (if it were even sinful) was nothing.

Consider: Scott was dead the same month the Board of Education — thanks to Ron Huberman and his master, Richard M. Daley — added at least one more City Hall hack. Who is the latest performance artist with clout to be added to our "Performance Management" team of outsiders who are all experts by definition (the less they know about teaching kids, the more they get paid by Ronnie and the boys and girls at Clark St. This latest gem is some lady named Lumpkin — to the Huberteam on the basis of no credibility, no credentials, and no visible reason to be working for the city's "public schools" except raw clout. At a total cost (pay and benefits) around $200,000 per year in a year when Ron Huberman has been getting away with telling the world (mostly through outlets like the Sun-Times) that he's been wrestling with a massive $475 million "deficit". But that was only the beginning. So Lumpkin (and about a hundred others Huberman has hired on the basis of clout, not qualifications, during 2009) is not "news" — but Monique Davis is? In Chicago?

Oh, we forgot. The Sun-Times has to keep promoting Mayor Daley's "miracle" of corporate "school reform" as much as possible. Do their reporters get paid by the word for all the hagiography and propaganda they write about the mayor (while slowly slandering the mayor's enemies, which is a growing list of Nixonian proportions)?

Illinois State Rep. Monique Davis (above, right, in red) accompanied U.S. Senator Barack Obama into Chicago's Plumber's Hall on November 6, 2006, for the "Labor for Stroger" rally. With Obama and Davis at the time were U.S. Senator Dick Durbin and Cook County Board President Todd Stroger (between Durbin and Obama) plus a couple of the growing number of handlers Obama was gathering around himself on his way to the White House. While many Chicago union leaders, politicians and political leaders boosted Obama on the road to the most powerful office on earth, the thank yours from Obama once he was President of the United States have been few and far between. The latest political leader from Illinois to be targeted by Chicago's media for destruction is Davis, who follows in the footsteps of African American politicians like Todd Stroger and Board of Education President Michael Scott. On December 22, 2009, the Chicago Sun-Times discovered a scandal involving Davis that wasn't reported overtly in the new annual report of the Chicago Board of Education's Inspector General. Of the 127 major investigations conducted by the Inspector General during FT 2009, only the one alleging that Davis is in a dispute with CPS over the rental of her office made the pages of the Chicago Sun-Times. Substance photo by George N. Schmidt. On December 22, 2009, state rep. Monique Davis, who never hid the fact that at times she worked for the Board of Education, was revealed (again, drum rolls, breathless heaving of boudices like out of a harlequin novel with Fabio or Huberio on the cover) was revealed to (maybe) owe CPS a half million dollars.

EEEK! like the sisters say when the mice appear in Cincerella. EEEK! MONIQUE!

Once again, a Huberleakleak. Once again, to the Sun-Times.

Anyway, we're recommending Pampers and Depends, since we don't know which size will fit the leaker.

And if we were asked (say, by our colleagues at the Headline Club) about these leakies from CPS, we'd advise discretion. According to the current Inspector General's report (see related story at Substance), the IG did 127 full investigations during FY 2009. How is it that all of them but the one about Monique Davis remain secret? Aside to Monique (whom, full disclosure, we've known for years): Don't do down by the Chicago River late at night in the company of strangers... 


December 22, 2009 at 6:36 PM

By: It happened on Duncan's watch.

Barack=Arne is not your friend!

This report is sickening. Monique Davis is a St.Rep; drags Michael Scott to hell with her. She needs to be voted out! How about the years she worked full-time as a CPS administrator WHILE she was a state rep? She gets a big bucks pension and will get another for being a terrible Rep. Gets grants for her boyfriend at Chicago State and involved with an underhanded deed at Julian. Sell you mansion on Longwood Drive and pay your bills girl--just like the people you rep. have too. Ald. Rugai supports her too!

December 24, 2009 at 4:29 AM

By: Jim Vail

IG Report and Monique

Right George - the big news from the IG report was Monique Davis because she is a politician. They did mention in a couple other reports the focus on teachers to make sure teacher bashing is still alive and well.

Monique is perhaps like any politician - no one is perfect. But who knows, if you're not in with da Mayor, you're out then, with Mr. Sullivan holding the door.

The sad thing with Monique is she was a good defender of teachers - so rare these days in the beltways of power - and would return Substance phone calls. But our good old Chicago Teachers Union leadership made her comment to me that it appears our union supports charter (union-busting) schools (they most certainly do with the Talent Development Academy - a contract union backed charter wanna be that guts regular teacher pensions.

So where is Monique on this issue now - when she had been expressing concerns to me about charters, including lack of a background check and non-certified personnel? She is smiling on the Illinois Network of Charter Schools website, now a believer in them. And she no longer returns Substance phone calls.

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